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Digital Marketing Strategy | WMI

03 May 2016 Shannan Conley

in Media, Digital


5 Ground Rules for Effective Mobile Video Ads

As video consumption continues to evolve, consumers are shifting away from the confines of traditional TV to the anytime, anywhere availability of mobile video. Analysts predict that soon, 69% of all internet traffic will come from video, with the majority watching on mobile. I think of a woman’s smartphone as her remote control for life! As consumers’ viewing habits change, marketers will have to identify effective mobile tactics to reach them. Here, are my top 5 proven ground rules for brands looking to create effective mobile video ads.

Be Present

Researchers found that Millennials are dedicated YouTube watchers; a whopping 74% watch brand channels on YouTube weekly, 63% have taken action because of a brand or creator video, and 40% of all YouTube video is watched on a mobile device. In fact, smartphones are leading in viewership of all entertainment, beauty, and music content.

Why? All three categories offer easy, digestible content on the go or while engaging in another activity. Often, viewership of the content will match the behavior users are engaged in (for example: watching a beauty tutorial while applying makeup). Researchers found that active audiences are 1.8 times more likely to be meaningfully engaged with content because they are likely to be watching the video for an active purpose. Brands can build relationships with consumers by creating in-the-moment experiences to align with the consumer’s interest. Mobile advertising presents an opportunity for brands to reach consumers when they have their undivided attention, particularly on YouTube.

Be Personal

Ads that entertain, reach the user at the moment of interest, and demonstrate how to integrate a product into her lifestyle will stand out in the mind of the viewer. Personalizing the experience by demonstrating relevancy will allow mobile video to speak to every segment of the purchase funnel, from product discovery to influencing purchase intent. In fact, research has shown that 43% of consumers go on to make a purchase after watching a YouTube video!

Create Content for Mobile

Don’t make the mistake of considering mobile the “second screen.” Increasingly, mobile is becoming the main screen for consuming video. When creating video, advertisers should continue to think multi-screen, but build for mobile to give their audience an optimized viewing experience. For example, ads that are closely shot and framed tend to perform better on mobile.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks

The most successful video campaigns not only get views, but generate buzz around the brand. Co-viewing is common on mobile, so creating memorable content builds both top-of-the-funnel awareness and encourages sharing. When engaging in digital storytelling, it’s essential for brands to consider their audience—research shows that younger audiences prefer quirky long-form content while traditional storytelling performs well for older audiences.

Make Mobile Happen

Analysts argue that brands may not be spending enough against the mobile category to align with time spent with mobile devices. Presently, an average of 4% of media budgets are allocated to mobile ad placement. This presents an enormous opportunity for advertisers across all categories to make an impact by increasing spend in mobile video.

Learn how Women's Marketing can help your brand strategically integrate video marketing into your digital marketing strategy! Contact us today to discover how our expertise in reaching women, when and where they're most receptive to your message, can build your brand. 

Sources: Think With Google, Google: The Near Frontier of Mobile Video

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